POWER: Power Up and Start with Prayer

Praying using the Lord's Prayer in Luke 11:2-4

Power for life comes when we start with prayer because talking and listening to God plugs us into His love, will and life. The more we behold Him in personal prayer, the more we become like Him. Developing a lifestyle of personal prayer was modelled by Jesus who sought to find a regular time and place in His busy life to connect with the Father (Mark 1:35; Matthew 6:6).

Jesus taught His disciples about the content of His prayer life in what we know as ‘The Lord’s Prayer’. Luke 11:2-4 shows us five key ‘ingredients‘ for a healthy and enjoyable prayer time. Using the acronym START, we pray as follows.

S=Sonship: “Our Father in heaven”

Begin by thanking God that He is your Father and you are His child. Spend time meditating on your amazing Father and your new identity as His child (Luke 15:11-31; Romans 8:14-16).

T=Thanks: “Hallowed be your name”           

Hallowed means God’s name is honoured above all others. Spend time worshipping Him for who He is and thank him for all that He has done (Psalm 145; Psalm 18; Ephesians 1:3-14; Revelation 7:9-11).

A=Ask: “Your Kingdom come… and give us this day”

Spend time asking God to bring breakthrough in the world around you, the lives of those you love and in your own life. Ask that His Kingdom will fill the earth and that He meets your personal needs (Acts 4:29-30; Isaiah 61:1-4; Ephesians 3:14-21)

R=Repent “Forgive us… we forgive... deliver us”                       

Spend time asking for and giving forgiveness and for the ability to overcome the enemy (Psalm 103:8-12; Matthew 6:14; Ephesians 4:31-32; 1 John 1:9)

T=Truth “Yours is the Kingdom”                       

Finish your prayer time by declaring the truth about God – He is a good Father who loves to answer you because He is good and listens to your prayers! (John 15:7; 1 John 5:14; Romans 8:28; Romans 8:31- 39; Psalm 136:1-6)


Key Questions:

What are you thanking God for at the moment?
How have you seen God answer your prayers in the past?
What are you asking God for at the moment?
Decide on some prayer goals for the next few months: How often you want to pray, who you want to pray with, what you want to pray for?

Additional Resources:

Read: Intercessory Prayer (2008) by Dutch Sheets; Regal Books
Read: Red Moon Rising (2004) by Pete Greig; Kingsway Publications
Listen: Devotion Part 1 on Prayer by Phil Wilthew; Here